Choice Overload

Choice overload refers to the phenomenon of having too many options or alternatives to choose from, which can lead to indecision, frustration, and a lack of satisfaction with the chosen option. This can occur when people are faced with a large number of options or alternatives, and are unable to effectively compare and evaluate them due to the overwhelming nature of the task.

One of the key ways in which choice overload manifests is through the inability to effectively compare and evaluate options. When people are faced with a large number of options, they may find it difficult to determine the relative merits of each option, leading to indecision or frustration. This can be exacerbated by the presence of complex or unfamiliar options, which can make it more difficult for people to make informed decisions.

Choice overload can also affect the level of satisfaction people experience with their chosen option. When people have a large number of options to choose from, they may be more likely to second-guess their decision and wonder if they made the right choice. This can lead to a lack of satisfaction with the chosen option, as people may feel that they could have made a better choice if they had only had access to a smaller set of options.

The phenomenon of choice overload can have significant consequences, as it can lead to indecision, frustration, and a lack of satisfaction with the chosen option. In addition, it can contribute to a sense of overwhelm or anxiety, as people may feel overwhelmed by the number of options available to them.

Read more:

Choice Overload - The Decision Lab

CHOICE OVERLOAD - Definitions, Causes, Risks, Advantages & Debiasing

The Choice Overload Effect: Why simplicity is the key ... - Choice Hacking

Choice overload: Why decision-making can be so hard - Medical News Today