Curse of Knowledge

The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual, who has a deep understanding of a topic, is unable to understand the perspective of someone who does not have the same level of knowledge. In other words, it's the inability to "dumb down" information for others to understand.

In group decision making, the curse of knowledge can be particularly damaging. When a group is making a decision, each member brings their own perspective and expertise to the table. However, if one member is unable to effectively communicate their ideas to the rest of the group, due to the curse of knowledge, the group as a whole may make a suboptimal decision.

This can manifest in a number of ways. For example, a team member who is highly technical may use jargon that is impenetrable to the rest of the team, making it difficult for them to fully grasp the proposal being put forward. Or, a team member who is deeply familiar with a particular industry may make assumptions that are not shared by the rest of the team, leading to confusion and poor decision making.

It's important to note that the curse of knowledge is not limited to experts or those with a high level of technical knowledge. Anyone can fall victim to it, and it can occur in any type of decision-making process. The key is to be aware of it and to actively work to overcome it.

To combat the curse of knowledge in group decision making, it is essential to actively encourage open communication, and to make sure everyone has a chance to contribute. Additionally, it can be useful to have a neutral facilitator who can help to keep the discussion on track and to ensure that everyone is heard. Ultimately, the goal should be to create an environment where ideas can be shared openly, and where everyone can understand and contribute to the decision-making process.