Functional Fixedness

Functional fixedness is a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual is unable to see the potential uses of an object beyond its typical function. This can hinder problem-solving and creativity, as the individual may struggle to think of novel ways to use the object.

In the context of innovation and technology, functional fixedness can be a significant obstacle. It is important for businesses and individuals to be open to new and unconventional uses for existing products and technologies. By embracing a diverse range of perspectives and approaches, organizations can foster a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

One way to overcome functional fixedness is through the use of lateral thinking, which involves approaching problems from unconventional angles and seeking out novel solutions. This can involve breaking down mental barriers and preconceptions about the ways in which things are typically used.

Another approach is to expose oneself to diverse experiences and ideas. This can help to expand one's frame of reference and enable them to think more creatively and flexibly. By actively seeking out new perspectives and exposing oneself to unfamiliar situations, individuals can better overcome functional fixedness and improve their problem-solving skills.

Read more:

Functional Fixedness: What It Is and How to Overcome It - Healthline

Functional Fixedness as a Cognitive Bias - Verywell Mind

Functional Fixedness Psychology | What is Functional Fixedness? - Video ...

Functional fixedness - Wikipedia

Functional Fixedness in Psychology: Definition & Examples