
Priming is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when exposure to one stimulus influences the response to a subsequent stimulus. For example, if an individual is shown a list of words related to the beach (such as sand, sun, and ocean), they may be more likely to complete a word fragment (e.g. S-N) with the word "sun" because the concept of the beach has been primed in their mind.

Priming can occur unconsciously and can influence our thoughts, behaviors, and decision-making. For example, if an individual is shown a picture of a smiling face before completing a task, they may be more likely to perform the task with a positive attitude. On the other hand, if they are shown a picture of a frowning face before completing the same task, they may be more likely to perform the task with a negative attitude.

There are two main types of priming: semantic priming and episodic priming. Semantic priming refers to the activation of concepts in our memory, as in the example of the beach words mentioned above. Episodic priming refers to the activation of specific memories or experiences. For example, if an individual is shown a picture of a dog before completing a task, they may be more likely to remember a specific time when they interacted with a dog in the past.

Priming can have both positive and negative effects. On the positive side, priming can help to improve performance and increase efficiency by activating relevant concepts in our memory. On the negative side, priming can also lead to unconscious biases and stereotypes, as we may be more likely to make judgments or decisions based on previously activated concepts or experiences.

Read more:

What is PRIMING? definition of PRIMING (Psychology Dictionary)

Priming: Meaning, Types, Working, Effects and More - Mantra Care

What is priming, and how can it help you succeed in life? - Tony Robbins

Priming - Communication Theory