Zeigarnik Effect

The Zeigarnik Effect is a phenomenon first identified by psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik in the 1920s, in which people have a better memory for unfinished tasks or unresolved conflicts compared to completed ones. This effect has been found to be particularly pronounced in group decision-making contexts, where it can have a significant impact on the outcome of the decision-making process.

In group decision-making, the Zeigarnik Effect can manifest itself in a number of ways. For example, group members may be more likely to remember and focus on unresolved issues or disagreements, which can lead to prolonged discussions and a lack of resolution. Additionally, the effect can lead to a lack of closure or satisfaction with the final decision, as group members may continue to dwell on unresolved issues even after the decision has been made.

The Zeigarnik Effect can also lead to increased tension and conflict within a group, as unresolved issues and disagreements may continue to simmer beneath the surface. This can lead to a breakdown in trust and collaboration among group members, and can ultimately undermine the effectiveness of the group.

To counteract the negative effects of the Zeigarnik Effect in group decision-making, it is important for group members to be aware of the phenomenon and to actively work to resolve any unresolved issues or conflicts. This can include setting clear timelines for discussion and decision-making, and taking steps to ensure that all group members have an opportunity to express their views and concerns. Additionally, group members should strive to reach a clear and final decision, rather than leaving issues unresolved.